A herd of elephants lolloped across the plains towards a watering hole. 一群大象缓慢而笨拙地穿过平原,朝水潭走去。
I was in my favorite watering hole, waiting for the game to start. 我在我最喜欢的酒吧里,等着观看比赛。
You walk into a neighborhood, for instance, and suddenly Promoted Tweets for the local watering hole, dry cleaner, and McDonald's ( MCD) pop up in your Twitter stream. 比如,当你走进一个社区,当地酒吧、干洗店和麦当劳(McDonald's)发布的推广消息就会突然闪现在你的Twitter信息流之中。
I thought we might go to the local watering hole for a quick drink. 我想我们可以去当地的酒吧匆匆地喝一杯。
The restaurant was once a cosmopolitan watering hole for actors and writers. 那家餐馆一度曾是世界各地演员和作家的聚饮场所。
At a watering hole, Isaza pulled a leaf off a tree, shaped it like a cone, and added some powdered lemonade he'd been saving. 路过一个水坑,伊萨从树上摘了一片树叶,窝成锥形,然后掏出些柠檬粉倒在里面。
The long bar of the Shanghai Club, once the watering hole of the city's elite, is also to reopen next year, now managed by Waldorf Astoria. 曾一度是城市精英的聚集之处的上海酒吧的酒吧长廊也将于明年重新开放,现在它由华尔道夫管理。
A Leeds University researcher said that the local watering hole's welcoming atmosphere helps men to get rid of the stresses of modern life and is vital for their psychological well-being. 利兹大学的一位学者宣称本地酒吧里的温馨气氛能帮助男人们摆脱现代生活的压力,对他们的心理健康起着不可或缺的作用。
Steer clear of bar attire& Don't mistake the office for your local watering hole. 远离休闲的酒吧装束&不要把办公室当成了你家附近的酒馆。
I remember when I was in college, this was my favorite watering hole. 我记得我在大学期间,这家酒吧是我的最爱。